Because when I saw this cover in CVS I thought for sure it was 1991. I can't place my finger on the reason why; maybe it's the hoop earings, or what looks like my dads shirt or the Tiffani Amber Thiessen hair that needs to go back into its banana clip, or the fact that it's on Allure & i thought that magazine died a while ago.
I mean who buys Allure anyway- all they offer are spa's & hairstylists in all the major cities, a 'Save vs. Splurge' with whack products like cerulean blue eyeshadow and that last page where they interview celebs. They ask these asinine questions, like "You look great tonight. What do you do to your hands to get ready for the evening?" and then ask 'stars' like Padma Lakshmi and Tinsley Mortimer who respond with "I scrub them with a vegetable cleaner and then slather them in baby placenta cream" or "Nothing. I only use a little bit of Johnson & Johnson's baby lotion right before bed." God I hate Allure magazine.
Anyfuckerey, Isla Fisher still looks hot on the cover. How the hell did Borat score that? Oh yea, he's